Pork Schnitzel If you’ve never tried our Bavarian Seasoning, this recipe from Jenna Bentz is the perfect opportunity. 7 large slices sandwich bread, crusts removed and cut into 3/4-inch cubes (about 4 Cups) 2 tsp. HUNGARIAN-STYLE SWEET PAPRIKA 2 tsp. BAVARIAN SEASONING, optional 1/2 Cup flour 1/4-1/2 tsp. salt, to taste 1/4-1/2 tsp. PENZEYS PEPPER, to taste 2 large eggs 2 TB. milk 1 pork tenderloin, cut into 6-8 slices (our tenderloin was 1.4 lbs. and yielded 7 slices) 3 TB. vegetable oil 3/4 Cup chicken stock (or 3/4 Cup water mixed with 1/2 tsp. CHICKEN or PORK SOUP BASE) 2 tsp. chopped fresh dill (1 tsp. DILL WEED) 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 Cup sour cream



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