Blitz Kuche Kuche means “lightning cake” because it is so quick to make. Gaye tells us, “This is a parve cake, meaning that it has no dairy so it can be served after a meat meal. It also has no eggs, so your vegan and/or allergic friends will love it!” Serve with Sour Cherry Sauce.3 Cups flour2 Cups sugar2/3 Cup NATURAL COCOA POWDER1 tsp. (rounded) instant espresso powder1 TB. baking soda1 tiny pinch salt1 tsp. PURE VANILLA EXTRACT3/4 Cup vegetable oil1 TB. vinegar (Gaye uses apple cider vinegar, but regular white vinegar works fine)2 Cups water2 Cups fresh or frozen pitted sour cherries or use 2 Cups chopped, dried cherries reconstituted in 1 Cup boiling water2 TB. Kirschwasser (dry cherry brandy), optional—we used regular brandy1/4 tsp. PENZEYS CINNAMON1/4 tsp. PURE VANILLA EXTRACT1-2 TB. cornstarch
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