It's time to be honest about what's actually on the table.
Penzeys Salt & Pepper Time Gift Box
Penzeys Salt & Pepper Time Gift Box
Penzeys Forward Seasoning

Penzeys Salt & Pepper Time week is almost over. Through Sunday you still have the chance to get the $22.95 value Salt & Pepper Time gift box for just $5. The idea behind Salt & Pepper Time is that, in the wake of the coverup of the Mueller Report, it's time to be done with being distracted and honestly focus on what’s actually on the table in front of all of us. Quite clearly, in the president’s actions leading up to the report and doubly so since, we can no longer afford to deny his criminal activity.

And just in time for the last three days of this offer, the Salt & Pepper Gift Box has already become New & Improved! with the addition of the Crook—Crooked—Crookedly—Crook Card. Pretty much every gift box everywhere has some sort of printed material that goes with it. That said, you don’t see gift box cards like this much. Thank goodness the times so rarely call for cards like this one. Some day you will tell your grandchildren about this time. Your Crook—Crooked—Crookedly—Crook Card will be your proof that you were here.

And we had an election here in Wisconsin on Tuesday and the results were mixed. Can we just be done with feeling all non-votey every time someone, eight days before an election, claiming to speak for Justice instead obstructs it? As much as there is still a lot of work to be done, there was a lot of beauty to be found in our local elections here in Milwaukee and across the state, especially for the school board.

One newly elected Milwaukee School Board member, Bob Peterson (he is quite impressive), had this to say: "This is a day to celebrate Milwaukee's support for public education. I look forward — the entire state looks forward — to working with all the stakeholders, the entire school board, parents, students, the administration and elected officials locally and in Madison to defend and improve our public schools."

Forward is our state’s motto. Bob said it twice. So today and tomorrow, two Forward Seasonings ($8.58 combined value) one to keep, one to share, are yours free with any purchase. Forward is a very tasty and very all-purpose blend that needs no salt and is wonderful for vegetables, beef, chicken, fish, potatoes in all forms, eggs and grains. Good stuff. Get yours today. Or tomorrow, too.

No coupon or code is needed for the regularly $22.95 Salt & Pepper Time Box for just $5, this one is automatic for everyone. In our stores for the two free Forward Seasonings just show this email or the coupon above and make a purchase. Online at make any purchase and type FORWARD into the apply code box at checkout. No need to place the two Forward Seasonings into your basket, the code will do that for you and for free. It’s easy.

And yes, purchasing the $5 Salt & Pepper Box qualities you to use the coupon or code for the two free Forwards. Here is your chance to spend just $5, get $31.53 worth of goodness, and a piece of history, too. Not bad.

And please if you can, Forward this to someone you know who might enjoy even reading about this offer. You can bet those who will be cheesed-off by us pointing out who the president is will be forwarding this to everyone on their email lists.

Thanks for your support. Have a great weekend,




*Penzeys Forward Offer Details
Not applicable to prior sales, not valid with other offers. While supplies last. No cash value. Standard shipping rates apply. Offer ends midnight Saturday, April 6, 2019.

*Penzeys Salt & Pepper Time Gift Box Offer Details
Not applicable to prior sales, not valid with other offers. While supplies last. No cash value. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Standard shipping rates apply. Offer ends midnight Sunday, April 7, 2019.


